

Case-3883 Case-3883

Age: 35 years
Height: 5’ 1”
Weight: 110 pounds
Preop: 32 C
Postop: 32 full C
Implant Size: 350 cc smooth round moderate plus profile silicone
Incision/Location: Periareolar, submuscular; Periareolar lift also performed
Notes: This patient underwent bilateral breast augmentation in 2004 elsewhere with saline implants. Her implants were placed under the muscle (submuscular) via an transaxillary (underarm) incision. She presented with sagging, areola enlargement and asymmetry after having two children. She desired lift, areola reduction, an increase in size, and an overall rejuvenation of shape.

Bilateral implant exchange from saline to smooth round, moderate plus profile silicone implants was performed via a periareolar approach. The upper portion of the pocket was reopened to increase her upper breast fullness. The inner portion of the breast pocket was opened to improve the contour of her cleavage. A periareolar lift (Benelli lift)was finally performed to lift and tight the breast skin and reduce the areola diameter. These maneuvers gave a much improved shape, better symmetry, and a more natural feel. Patient is shown 5 months after surgery.