What Is the Difference Between a Tummy Tuck and a Mini Tummy Tuck?

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Tummy tuck surgery can be highly beneficial for women who have had children and are unhappy with the changes pregnancy has had on their body. At Richmond Aesthetic Surgery, our plastic surgeons offer the full tummy tuck and mini tummy tuck, allowing patients of varying needs to get the results they desire. Both procedures can provide beautiful results for the right candidates.

A mini tummy tuck improves the area below the belly button, removing excess skin and tightening the rectus muscles at this level. The belly button remains untouched, and there is typically a smaller incision, similar to a c-section scar. Although this technique offers a shorter recovery, the procedure is often limited.

Since a mini tummy tuck doesn’t address the area above the belly button, many women will require a full tummy tuck to address the entirety of their abdominal concerns. This in-depth surgery repairs the rectus muscles and removes excess skin and soft tissue. The full tummy tuck is ideal for those with more extensive needs.

When you are done having children, you should consult with a plastic surgeon to learn about your options. During this visit, they will perform a physical exam to determine which procedure can best help correct your concerns. For even better results, your surgeon may recommend liposuction in addition to your tummy tuck.